

Leaving Your 9-5: What to Consider Before You Quit

I'm Jackie!

Graphic designer and SEO Content Marketing Strategist with over 13 years of experience helping businesses stand out online. And make sales with an easy-yes approach. That means we use your organic content to prime your audience, so by the time you present them with a paid offer they're already typing in their credit card info!

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Sharing all the tips, tools & resources that have helped me streamline my business as an online entrepreneur. 

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Optimizing your blog to attract your ideal clients and buyers. While also making your money with each view. That's truly passive income. 

Create a Content Strategy that fits into your life with less stress. Content that your audience actually wants. 

Are you considering leaving your 9-5 to become a Mompreneur? Starting your own business from home can be an exciting and rewarding opportunity, but it’s important to consider several factors before taking the leap. Here are 8 things to keep in mind when considering this transition:

  1. Assess Your Finances
  2. Determine Your Why
  3. Evaluate Your Skills and Experience
  4. Research Your Market
  5. Create a Plan
  6. Build a Support System
  7. Plan for Self-Care
  8. Take Action
Leaving Your 9-5: What to do before you quit.
Leaving Your 9-5: What to do before you quit.

Table of Contents

Assess Your Finances

As you know, before making any major life changes it’s always important to assess your current financial situation. But if you’re going from a corporate job to stay at home mom while also starting an online business, it become crucial to assess your finances. You should also prepare for potential income fluctuations, as it may take some time to establish a stable income stream with your new business.

A good rule of thumb is to start with at least six months of expenses. Which is why I recommend no less than 12 months. If six months is good to have saved for the “what ifs” in life. Then at least 12 months is necessary when starting a business. Some of that will be used to start your business. And some will be used for regular life expenses.

And the absolute best option? Make sure you can live off of your spouses income, so your potential income with your new business is just an added bonus. Ideally, you don’t want your “new income” to be necessary to simply live off of. It should be more for extras.

Free Guide: 11 Must-do Things Before You Quit Your 9-5

Secure your copy of the must-have playbook: 11 Must-do Things Before You Quit. Navigate your shift from corporate mom to work-at-home mom. Ensure your journey is seamless. Because leaving like a pro demands a meticulously crafted game plan – and this guide is your pass to mastering the stay-at-home hustle. Make the leap without the fear.

Free Guide: Before You Quit (your 9-5 job to become a stay at home working mom). Secure your copy of the playbook and have a game plan for mastering the stay-at-home hustle.

Determine Your Why

It’s essential to identify your reasons for wanting to leave your 9-5 job and become a stay at home mompreneur. Define your personal and professional goals and consider the impact of your decision on your family. Having a clear understanding of your “why” will help keep you motivated and focused during the transition from corporate working mom to stay at home business owner mom.

A family spending time together and laughing by the pool. No 9-5 job limiting their time freedom.
A family spending time together and laughing by the pool.

Evaluate Your Skills and Experience

Take stock of your current skill set and experience, and determine how they can translate to your new business venture. What are you knowledgeable about and also very passionate about. Where do those two areas overlap? That’s where you’ll be most successful. Identify areas where you may need additional training or education and plan to acquire them as necessary.

Related Article: How to Financially Be a Stay at Home Mom

Research Your Market

Identify your target audience and research the demand for your product or service. Analyze the competition and determine the viability of your business idea. A thorough market research can help you understand the potential of your business idea and help you plan for a successful launch.

Create a Plan

Developing a business plan is crucial to your success as a mompreneur. Outline your short-term and long-term goals and establish a timeline for your business launch. Additionally, create a marketing strategy to help you reach your target audience.

When you’re creating your marketing plan and deciding what content to create and post for your new online business, use my free 6-step Content Strategy Framework that’s as easy as ABC.

It’ll guide you through each step of the content creation process from start to finish. You’ll have purpose-driven that produces results online.

Content Strategy Framework: A roadmap for how to create a content strategy that makes money for your online business.
Content Strategy Framework: As Easy As ABC. A roadmap for how to create a content strategy.

Build a Support System

Starting a business can be overwhelming, so it’s essential to build a support system. Identify sources of emotional support, build a network of mentors and peers, hire a coach or join a mastermind group, and enlist the help of family and friends. A strong support system can help you stay motivated and provide guidance when needed.

Plan for Self-Care

Starting a business while being a stay-at-home mom can be challenging, so it’s essential to prioritize self-care. Make time for activities that help you relax and recharge, establish boundaries between work and personal life, and develop a routine to maintain work-life balance.

Take Action

Transitioning to online entrepreneurship requires careful planning, hard work, and dedication. But with the right mindset and strategy, you can achieve your goals and create the life you want for yourself and your family. So take action, put in the work, and stay focused on your goals.

A family walking along the beach with time freedom after leaving their 9-5 job.
A family walking along the beach.

In conclusion, transitioning to online entrepreneurship as a stay-at-home mom requires careful planning and preparation. But by assessing your finances, determining your “why,” evaluating your skills and experience, researching your market, creating a plan, building a support system, prioritizing self-care, and taking action, you can achieve your goals and create the life you want.

Remember, starting and growing an online business is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight. So don’t put so much emphasis on reaching the finish line, but think of it like a hike with a lot of fun things to see and do along the way. You aren’t trying to rush to the finish line. The joy comes from the hike itself.

So every time you start to feel stressed and rushed, try to stop and look around at the beautiful scenery. Because all the little changes you’re making to your business are adding up. When you look at the full picture (or how far you are away from the finish line) it’ll seem daunting. So remember to look at how far you’ve come. And how rewarding each little step really is.

Are you ready to leave your 9-5?

Swipe my 11 Must-do Things Before You Quit guide. Make your transition from corporate mom to stay at home working mom much easier. Skip the surprises and the set backs, and get started with a smooth and lucrative transition. Download your free guide now.

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Frustration-free content creation is within reach.

- Jackie Taylor

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