
Marketing Strategies

How to Develop An Effective Content Distribution Strategy

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Graphic designer and SEO Content Marketing Strategist with over 13 years of experience helping businesses stand out online. And make sales with an easy-yes approach. That means we use your organic content to prime your audience, so by the time you present them with a paid offer they're already typing in their credit card info!

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Optimizing your blog to attract your ideal clients and buyers. While also making your money with each view. That's truly passive income. 

Create a Content Strategy that fits into your life with less stress. Content that your audience actually wants. 

With the growing competition in the digital landscape, creating high-quality content alone is not enough to reach your target audience. To maximize the impact of your content and extend its reach, you need to develop an effective content distribution strategy that includes:

  • Strategically selecting the right distribution channels
  • Planning and executing your distribution efforts
  • Measuring the impact of those efforts
  • Leveraging automation tools
  • Optimizing your content

Doing these 5 things step-by-step will help to simply the process. And you’ll significantly increase your chances of success.

In this article, we’ll explore each of these aspects in detail and provide you with actionable tips to help you develop an effective content distribution strategy.


Table of Contents

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Step-by-step process to create a content distribution strategy that works as a busy mom taking care of kids and running an online business.

Choosing the Right Distribution Channels

When it comes to content distribution, choosing the right channels to reach your target audience is crucial. Understanding your audience demographics, preferences, and online behavior is key to identifying the most effective distribution channels for your content. Consider utilizing a mix of owned, earned, and paid channels to maximize your reach.

Owned Distribution Channels

Owned channels, such as your website, blog, and social media profiles, give you direct control over the distribution of your content. By optimizing these channels for search engines and regularly updating them with valuable content, you can attract organic traffic and engage with your audience.

For example, when it comes to your website, you can create a user-friendly interface that allows visitors to easily navigate through your content. By incorporating relevant keywords and meta tags, you can improve your website’s visibility on search engine results pages. Additionally, you can create a blog section on your website where you regularly publish informative articles and engage with your audience through comments and discussions.

When it comes to social media profiles, you can leverage platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share your content with your followers. By creating engaging posts, using relevant hashtags, and interacting with your audience, you can increase the visibility of your content and drive traffic to your website.

Related Article: What is a Content Distribution Strategy

Earned Distribution Channels

Earned channels, on the other hand, rely on third-party platforms and influencers to distribute your content. Building relationships with industry influencers, guest posting on relevant blogs, and securing media coverage can help you tap into new audiences and gain credibility in your niche.

For instance, you can identify key influencers in your industry and reach out to them for collaborations. By partnering with influencers who have a large and engaged following, you can expose your content to a wider audience and benefit from their credibility and expertise.

Additionally, you can contribute guest posts to reputable blogs in your niche, allowing you to showcase your knowledge and expertise while reaching a new audience.

Furthermore, securing media coverage can significantly boost your content distribution efforts. By reaching out to journalists and media outlets, you can pitch your content as a valuable resource or story idea.

If your content aligns with their interests and provides value to their audience, they may feature it in their publications or websites, giving you exposure to a larger audience.

Paid channels, like social media advertising and sponsored content, offer a targeted approach to content distribution. By leveraging advanced targeting options, you can reach specific demographics and increase the visibility of your content among your ideal customers.

For example, social media advertising allows you to create highly targeted campaigns based on factors such as age, location, interests, and behavior. By carefully defining your target audience and crafting compelling ad creatives, you can ensure that your content reaches the right people at the right time. Additionally, sponsored content provides an opportunity to collaborate with relevant websites or influencers to promote your content to their audience in a more organic and native way.

In conclusion, choosing the right distribution channels for your content is essential for maximizing its reach and engagement. By utilizing a mix of owned, earned, and paid channels, you can effectively distribute your content to your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.

Planning and Executing Your Content Distribution Strategy

Once you have identified the right distribution channels, the next step is to create a comprehensive plan to execute your content distribution strategy. Start by defining your goals and objectives. What do you hope to achieve through your content distribution efforts? Is it brand awareness, lead generation, or increased website traffic? Clear goals will help you measure the success of your strategy.

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is a crucial aspect of any content distribution strategy. By increasing your brand’s visibility, you can attract a wider audience and establish yourself as an industry leader. This can be achieved through various channels such as social media platforms, guest blogging, and influencer collaborations. By strategically placing your content in front of the right audience, you can create a lasting impression and generate interest in your brand.

Lead Generation

Lead generation is another important goal for many businesses.

By distributing valuable content that addresses the pain points of your target audience, you can capture their attention and convert them into potential leads. This can be done through gated content, where users are required to provide their contact information in exchange for access to valuable resources. Also known as a freebie or lead magnet.

By nurturing these leads through targeted email marketing campaigns, you can further engage with them and guide them through the sales funnel.

Increased website traffic is often a key objective for businesses looking to expand their online presence. By distributing your content across various channels, you can drive traffic back to your website.

In fact, gaining traffic to your website and growing your email list should always be top priority. Those are your channels for audience traffic that you have the most control over.

This can be achieved through search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, where your content is optimized to rank higher in search engine results.

Additionally, sharing your content on social media platforms, creating engagement and community there, and leveraging influencer partnerships can also drive traffic to your website.

Develop a Content Calendar

Next, develop a content calendar to map out your distribution activities over a specific timeframe. This will ensure consistency and help you stay organized. Identify key milestones, important events, and seasonal trends that you can leverage in your content distribution efforts to boost engagement and relevancy.

Creating a content calendar allows you to plan your content distribution strategy in advance. By aligning your content with important events and seasonal trends, you can tap into the interests and needs of your target audience.

But remember, a content calendar isn’t a content strategy or a distribution strategy. It’s a result of creating your strategy.

For example, if you are a fashion brand, you can create content around upcoming fashion weeks or seasonal trends to capture the attention of fashion enthusiasts. By staying ahead of the curve and delivering timely and relevant content, you can maximize engagement and drive traffic to your website.

Related Article: The Mompreneur’s Guide to Killer Content: Driving Traffic, Boosting Sales

Executing Your Content Distribution Strategy

When executing your strategy, remember to tailor your content for each distribution channel. What works well on one platform may not necessarily resonate with another. Adapt your messaging, format, and presentation to align with the unique characteristics of each channel, while maintaining a consistent brand voice.

Each distribution channel has its own set of characteristics and user expectations. Each one is like it’s own little community. Almost like a high school clique. Just like in the movie Mean girls, you want to know what day to wear pink. So try each platform that you want to post and be a creator on before you start. Be a consumer first, and get to know the little nuances of each platform first.

By understanding the preferences and behaviors of your target audience on each platform, you can create content that resonates with them and maximizes engagement.

Keep a Consistent Brand Voice

Furthermore, it is important to maintain a consistent brand voice across all distribution channels. This helps to establish brand recognition and build trust with your audience.

Whether you are sharing a blog post, a video, or an infographic, ensure that the tone, style, and messaging align with your brand’s values and personality.

Consistency in your content will help reinforce your brand identity and create a cohesive experience for your audience. Because consistency isn’t just about how many times a week or day that you post. It also means consistency in your topic and how you present that information.

Measuring the Impact of Your Content Distribution Strategy

Measuring the impact of your content distribution strategy is crucial to understanding its effectiveness and making informed decisions for future improvements. Utilize analytics tools, such as Google Analytics and social media insights, to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, engagement, conversions, and ROI.

Regularly monitor and analyze these metrics to identify trends, patterns, and areas that need improvement. For example, if you notice that a particular distribution channel consistently drives high-quality traffic, consider allocating more resources to that channel or exploring similar channels to maximize your reach.

Additionally, gather feedback from your audience through surveys, comments, and social media interactions. This qualitative data can provide valuable insights into the impact of your content and help you refine your distribution strategy.

Using Automation to Streamline Your Content Distribution

As your content distribution efforts scale, manual distribution can become overwhelming and time-consuming. That’s where automation tools come in handy. These tools can help you streamline your distribution process, save time, and ensure consistency across channels.

Consider using social media scheduling tools, email marketing automation platforms, and AI writing or video tools to automate repetitive tasks and reach your audience at the right time and on the right platforms.

Some of my favorite automation tools include:

  • ManyChat – for sending links to followers, encouraging engagement and clicks
  • Copy.ai – AI writing tool to help you quickly create headlines, hashtags, blog outlines, and even emails
  • Repurpose.io – helping you turn your current content into content ready for other platforms
  • Tailwindhttp://tailwind.sjv.io/JrnNYE – for creating a link in bio page (for free), scheduling to Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook, and creating pin designs
  • ConvertKit – For automating your emails, welcome email sequence, sales emails, and categorizing subscribers

However, be cautious not to rely solely on automation. Genuine human interaction and personalized engagement are still essential for building meaningful connections with your audience.

Related Article: The Benefits of Using a Content Repurposing Tool

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Step-by-step process to develop a content distribution strategy. Specifically for moms running an online business and while taking care of little ones.

Strategies for Reaching New Audiences Through Content Distribution

Expanding your reach and reaching new audiences is a key objective of any content distribution strategy. To achieve this, consider collaborating with influencers and thought leaders in your industry. By leveraging their existing audience and credibility, you can tap into new demographics and gain exposure to a wider group of potential customers.

In addition, explore new distribution channels and platforms that align with your audience profile. For example, if your target audience spends a significant amount of time on video-sharing platforms, consider creating video content and leveraging platforms like YouTube or TikTok to expand your reach.

By continuously experimenting and diversifying your distribution channels, you can reach untapped audiences and stay ahead of your competition. But as a solo mompreneur, it’s okay to have one to three channels and stop.

You don’t have to have an omnichannel presence online. Meaning you don’t have to be on every social platform and spread yourself so thin, you hate creating content. It’s better to do one platform really well, than to be everywhere.

And when you decide to brand out. Make it an online channel that makes sense for you. Once you can repurpose content for with ease and as quickly as possible. Preferably without adding too much more work to your already full workload.

Optimizing Your Content for Maximum Distribution

While developing an effective content distribution strategy is important, it is equally crucial to optimize your content for maximum distribution potential. Here are a few tips to help you optimize your content:

  1. Create valuable, relevant, and shareable content that resonates with your target audience.
  2. Optimize your content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptive headings.
  3. Make your content visually appealing by using images, videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements.
  4. Encourage social sharing by adding social sharing buttons and CTAs to your content.
  5. Ensure your website and content are mobile-friendly, as a significant portion of internet users access content through mobile devices.

Related Article: The Ultimate SEO Guide: Drive More Website Traffic

Bonus: Leveraging the Benefits of a Content Distribution Strategy

An effective content distribution strategy can have numerous benefits for your business. It can help you:

  • Reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.
  • Generate more traffic to your website or blog.
  • Drive higher engagement and interaction with your audience.
  • Generate leads and increase conversions.
  • Establish thought leadership and build credibility in your industry.
  • Stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

By consistently refining and optimizing your content distribution strategy, you can unlock these benefits and position your business for long-term success.

Remember, developing an effective content distribution strategy requires continuous monitoring, analysis, and adaptability to stay ahead of the curve and meet the ever-changing needs of your audience.

Are you ready to take your content distribution efforts to the next level? Implement these strategies and start reaping the rewards of an effective content distribution strategy today.

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