Marketing Strategies

Digital Content Strategy: Why is it important?

I'm Jackie!

Graphic designer and SEO Content Marketing Strategist with over 13 years of experience helping businesses stand out online. And make sales with an easy-yes approach. That means we use your organic content to prime your audience, so by the time you present them with a paid offer they're already typing in their credit card info!

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Sharing all the tips, tools & resources that have helped me streamline my business as an online entrepreneur. 

TOp categories

Optimizing your blog to attract your ideal clients and buyers. While also making your money with each view. That's truly passive income. 

Create a Content Strategy that fits into your life with less stress. Content that your audience actually wants. 

Let’s address a fundamental question about a digital content strategy– “Why Do I Need a Content Strategy?” Because honestly, the importance of a tailored digital content strategy often slips through the cracks. But it’s what sets apart those businesses that work. And those that tread water and never fully work or make money.

Imagine content seamlessly fitting into your work from home mom lifestyle. Or your travel the world nomad lifestyle. While also attracting your ideal buyers like a kid to any candy wrapper being opened. They seriously have super-human hearing sometimes!

It’s not just about creating digital content; it’s about strategic digital content creation. And great storytelling! The kind of stories that speaks to directly your buyers. But most importantly still allows you to be a mom first. And a business owner second while still making money online.

Join me as I explain why a digital content strategy isn’t just a choice but a strategic necessity.

  • Navigate the content creation process with purpose.
  • Ensure every piece of content attracts the right audience.
  • And actually make money that hits your bank account.
  • While also depositing time back into your schedule.


Table of Contents

Digital Content Strategy: Why It's Important - Word content spelled out in colorful letters with a notebook, glasses and pencils surrounding.

Why is a Digital Content Strategy Important?

Running an online business is a fast-paced job. Because you can reach your audience quickly with videos, text, audio, and more. But you also need to be ready to pivot your business as needed. And a digital content strategy serves as your guide for how and when to pivot. It’s your way to know what’s working, what isn’t, and what content to create next.

So, why is a digital content strategy so dang important? And what exactly is a digital content strategy?

First of all, a digital content strategy isn’t just a plan. It’s actually a full roadmap that aligns your content with your business goals and paid offers. While also making sure it caters to your ideal buyer’s needs.

For mom-owned businesses juggling multiple roles, having a clear plan ensures every piece of content contributes meaningfully to your business growth. It means you’re efficient with your time and money, so you aren’t wasting either.

Tailoring Your Digital Content Strategy to the Lifestyle You Want

As a mom or solopreneur, your days are a whirlwind of responsibilities. Creating digital content that seamlessly integrates with your lifestyle is key.

Imagine crafting posts, videos, or graphics that not only resonate with your audience but also allow you to be a more present mom. That means you don’t waste time trying things that won’t work.

A digital content strategy tailored to your unique day-to-day rhythm. This ensures that your online presence doesn’t add stress to your life. Instead, it becomes a natural extension of your daily routine. You can fit it in easily, with less stress, and it works. Who doesn’t want that?

So how do you accomplish this?

By first doing customer research. Find out where your customers or potential customers are hanging out online. Figure out what they need from you. Where there are gaps in the market. Something that no one else is helping them solve. Did you find them complaining about it everywhere online?

Then you create offers that solve those problems. You also pick one (just one) of the platforms that they’re on online. And you pick based on your lifestyle. What do you realistically have time to create content for? What do you love yourself?

If you hate TikTok as a consumer, you don’t want to be a creator on that platform. But if you love Pinterest and use it regularly in your personal life. Then you understand it and like it yourself. It’ll be so much easier to become a creator on that platform. Pick the platform that you understand and love as a consumer yourself. As long as it is also a platform that you found your audience uses.

So picked based on three things.

  • What you have time for.
  • What you love yourself as a consumer first.
  • And where your target audience is already hanging out.

Cover those three areas and you’re set to get started. Your future self that isn’t burned out and stressed will thank you. Skip the burn out and work with what actually fits into your lifestyle.

Get started researching your ideal buyers and target audience, so you know what platform to create for. Which one will be the most successful? Research first, so you aren’t wasting time creating for platforms that won’t work for your business.

And the best part, you could easily have this workbook filled out in under an hour because it’s guided questions. With help knowing where and how to perform your market research. Get more done in less time.

Buy the Market Research Guide & Workbook now.

Related Article: Content Creation Ideas: 10 Content Marketing Tips

Strategic vs. Random Content Creation

No more trying out trends on TikTok or trending sounds on Instagram and hoping it works.

A strategic approach to content creation means every piece serves a purpose. Every piece is selling or promoting one of your paid offers (service-based offers or digital products). Even if indirectly selling them.

And every piece of content is created with your ideal buyers in mind. Mom small business owners, this means less time wasted and more impact created. So you’re creating content that attracts the right people (actually gets seen). That’s your search engine optimization portion of content creation.

AND content that sells for you, so you don’t have to feel like a used car salesman in all of your content.

You know when you find a creator and you’re instantly like “Oh my gosh, I love her!” and you instantly want to buy everything she’s ever created? Or follow her because you love everything about her?

That’s because her content has a purpose. And if you look back through that content, you should find how it’s all connected to paid offers. Whether she’s a fashion influencer with an LTK or Amazon storefront. Or she’s a business woman helping you make money online.

Even the posts that don’t seem to sell anything should be indirectly selling. That simply means they’re pointing you toward learning about a product they sell. Or they’re helping you understand why that product would be helpful to you. Or they’re showing how their product will streamline a process or save you money.

Those are all examples of indirect selling through your content. Every piece of content you create should have a purpose. That’s purpose-driven content. Not random content creation.

Related Article: Content Creation 101: How to Create Unique Content

Authentic Engagement: Selling Without Being Salesy

The essence of successful marketing lies in authentic engagement and genuine connections. In a world inundated with sales pitches and people constantly trying to influence you to buy from them. Or buy from Amazon (where they’re an affiliate). It all seems so disconnected. And really, kind of sleazy.

But in truth, the art of selling doesn’t have to involve deceit, urgency, or even high-pressure tactics. As a mom small business owner committed to morally and ethically sound marketing efforts, I want to help you learn how a well-defined digital content strategy works. How it allows you to showcase your products or services with integrity. And keep your morals right where they should be.

Imagine attracting customers effortlessly because your content speaks directly to their needs and resonates with authenticity. They immediately feel like you’re their person because you speak like them. They like your style and vibe with how you put your content out there. They agree with what you’re saying. And believe you are the expert.

All of this comes from market research. The Market Research Guide and Workbook is your first step to a better digital marketing strategy.

In short, those people feel like they know you, like you, and trust you. Yes, the know, like, and trust factor. You’ve heard about this I’m sure. But some get it wrong when teaching it. Because they’re just repeating it like the buzzword that it is.

Instead, let’s take a deep dive into how a content strategy can turn your online business into a high-powered magnet for your ideal buyers.

It all starts with building trust, fostering true connections (we might have to be sociable and nice to our audience). And creating a space where your audience feels understood and valued. Not like they’re just a means to make money off of them.

It’s your path to genuine engagement with your online followers. And genuinely wanting to help people. If your purpose is servant-based, meaning you’re wanting to HELP first and foremost, you’ll come across as your true authentic self.

But just make sure you’re really helping and not just seeing dollar signs. Your content will generate better connections that way. Because people know when you’re just trying to make a quick buck.

Related Article: Content Strategy Framework: As Easy as ABC

Attracting the Right Audience

Your ideal buyers are out there, waiting to connect with a business like yours and a creator like you. A digital content strategy acts as a magnet, attracting the right audience to your doorstep. Your website, your social channels, email newsletter, etc.

In a world inundated with information, you need a digital strategy that ensures your content stands out.

And finds those who matter most. The people that are your ideal buyers. You can’t sell to just anyone. You have to sell to a very specific group. Narrow down your niche, and you’ll grow faster.

Do you have to niche down? No, you don’t have to do anything in business that you don’t want to. But let me ask you this. How much time are you willing to put into your business without seeing any sales?

Niche down to grow faster. You can always widen or broaden your niche later. That pivot is easier than trying to sell to all in the beginning. Even keyword research and search engine optimization are easier if you have a defined target audience to sell to.

Need help finding your target audience? Check out the Market Research Guide for finding your ideal buyers and phrase profiling them. Get your SEO keyword list started, so they can find you. Create the right content that connects with them. And you can do it all in the same time it takes for a roundtrip school pickup.

Need to niche down, but not sure how? You need help knowing what route to take with your niche. What will set your business up for the most growth possible? Check out the Niche Navigator. A guide to creating the best digital marketing plan for your online business. And getting setup the right way, right from the start.

Maybe you need help knowing the difference between a target audeince and target market? Check out this blog post: Target Market Vs Target Audience: Key Differences and Their Absolute Importance.

Related Article: Niche Strategy

Why a Digital Content Strategy Matters

So why does it even matter? Why do you really need to create a digital content strategy?

Because think of it as a grocery list. You can always just go to the store and buy food without a plan or strategy. That’s allowed. You’re ABLE to do so. Just like you’re able to create content online for any platform without any real plan or strategy. But just because you CAN, doesn’t mean you should.

So back to that grocery list. Which scenario sounds better to you? Buying whatever you find as you go along the grocery aisles? Much like trend chasing on social media. Just chase what’s working for others without any real thought or strategy for your own business.

Only to get home and realize you spent a ton of money (groceries right now – ugh!), and a ton of time shopping but you don’t have anything you can make with it. You’re missing at least one ingredient for everything you go to make. I really hate when that happens!

Digital Marketing Content Strategy: Why It's Important - written on a note

Or you could make a list of what you need before you shop. Write down things on a shopping list as you run out, so you don’t miss anything. Then meal plan. Think about what you’ll eat for the next week or two. Shop your pantry and fridge first. Much like having a content bank.

What you do you already have on hand? Anything missing? Add it to the list. Then once that’s done, you can look for digital coupons for the items you need. Maybe even look through the weekly ad to see if you can stock up on any deals? Can you add a meal to the meal plan with these new deals?

Now, you shop with intention. You only spend the time you need to find everything and put it in your cart. And bonus, the grocery app has a tool that helps you find everything in the store. Like using content marketing tools to make your job even easier. You find things so much faster. You only spent the money you needed to. No wasting money. And you actually have meals that you can make at home. You can work the meal plan without frustration. You don’t have to spend more money, or waste time running to the store for one thing.

Just like working your digital content plan is easier to create content. Less time wasted creating content that won’t work. Because you researched and planned. You know what you create will work. And you have a reason for creating it.

It might be to educate your audience about why they need to do something. The benefits of doing so. And then after they’re primed to buy, you sell them with an offer that ties to that same content. You’re creating with the intention of selling to your audience, eventually. Maybe not right away, but you’re taking them on a journey with you. Teaching them along the way. Then helping them with your offer.

Where to next? Check out: The Power of Storytelling in Content Marketing.

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Frustration-free content creation is within reach.

- Jackie Taylor

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