

9 Home Office Gadgets Every Entrepreneur Needs: Amazon Edition

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I’m rounding up my top 9 favorite home office items every entrepreneur needs. And they’re all from Amazon. These are my most used and loved office tools and gadgets (and even some clothing) that I love as a work from home entrepreneur. And because they’re from Amazon, they’re all pretty affordable. Let’s get to it.

1. Extra Monitor

I have a Mac Book Pro, and an extra monitor is a must for my home office setup. When I first quit my 9-5 job to stay home with my kids, I was working as a freelance graphic designer and online marketing specialist. Having an extra monitor to work in Photoshop made things so much easier. The smaller screen of my MacBook just wasn’t big enough.

As I’ve transitioned away from all of the design work, I find myself still needing the extra monitor. I can get by of course when I just want to be able to work wherever my laptop can go, but having that extra space to work with multiple programs at once is just nice.

I like this particular monitor because the price point works, but it’s also good quality so I know it’ll last. I’ve had mine for about four years now, and it’s working very well for me. I haven’t had any issues since getting it, and it was really easy to setup.

2. Laptop Stand

I love this laptop stand for my home office. At my corporate job before I quit to stay home, I had a laptop dock where my laptop would stand on it’s end. I like this so much better because I get to use my laptop screen as well as my extra monitor that I listed above. Anytime I can get extra screens the better.

Plus, I think my laptop is the perfect size to always have my email open while I use my extra monitor for the rest of my work. That’s the workflow that works for me at least.

3. Coffee Warmer for Your Desk


Okay, so this coffee warmer was actually a present that I got for my parents for Christmas one year. And it turned into a gift for you, and one for me!

But I’m so glad I got myself one. It’s definitely a nice to have and not a necessity. But it’s one of those little extras that just makes work a little nicer. It’s like a comfortable chair.

Does the chair itself affect the quality of your work? Well… no. But does it affect my mood and help me sit at my desk for longer? Yes!

That’s how this warmer works. I used to just drink my Chai cold because when I try to drink it warm, it sits forever and then I come back to it and it’s lukewarm. Bleh! I can’t do it. It either has to be piping hot or over ice. So on those cold, snowy days, this drink warmer is what helps me get through my workday with a nice, warm Vanilla Chai in hand.

4. Chiropractic Pillow

Out of everything on this list, this neck stretcher is by far my favorite! Seriously, it’s the best. I was having neck pain from, honestly poor posture while working. But I also was about a year post-partum and just had a lot of back pain in general from lack of muscle and lack of exercise probably.

So I tried this chiropractic pillow. I use it for 10 minutes per day. I simply followed the directions that came with the pillow and felt a lot looser from day one. I’ve continued to use it daily. It keeps my neck loose and helps with my posture throughout the day.

5. The most comfortable pair of leggings

Working from home isn’t complete without the most comfortable pair of leggings. These leggings come in a three pack. You can be like me and just go for simple black or get some fun colors.

For me, I just like to have black leggings that I can wear with anything. They have tummy control, aren’t see through at all, and are ridiculously comfortable.

And did I mention they hold up well? I mean I’ve worn these after two babies, so they should be stretched out. But still somehow they hold their shape, even once I’ve lost the baby weight. The tummy control isn’t restrictive like most leggings, which I really like. And I’ve had them for a couple of years while wearing them often. Definitely a great buy.

6. Monitor stand

I originally got this monitor stand to create some more space on my desk. It opens up more space below the stand, as well as more space in the drawers. But I think the best part ended up being the position of the monitor. It makes it so I can use the monitor without hunching my shoulders or slouching.

And as I mentioned above, I’ve been having neck and back pain from my poor posture while working. I think the combination of this monitor stand and the chiropractic pillow has really helped ease the tightness in my neck.

I’ve been feeling a lot better lately, and I truly think both have attributed to this. But I also like that it makes my office look better. My desk is more organized and the wood and white of the monitor stand really pops in my office. There are other color options available as well.

And most importantly, small home offices need to have decor that isn’t just pretty, but also functional. This monitor stand really fits the bill.

7. Erasable Pens

Okay, I know what you’re thinking. Pens, really? But hear me out. I’m a very digital person. Most of my notes are taken digitally. I write a lot of my blog posts using Otter.ai to record and transcribe what I’m saying.

But sometimes, you just need to jot down some quick notes on an actual piece of paper. Or if you’re like me you use a post-it note and wallpaper the wall beside your desk with them. My old co-workers used to laugh at me for how many post-its I had on the wall by my desk. And these erasable gel pens are the best for that.

I’ll admit, I’m a bit of a pen snob. It comes from my days of working as a bank teller. I used to have to write all of those tickets for deposits and withdrawls, and I HAD to have a good pen. In fact, I had a pen that no one was allowed to touch. We all did, actually. It must be a bank teller thing. Anyway, I became a pen snob.

I need one that’ll write smoothly. I’m talking smooth like butter. And the fact that these are erasable, can’t be beat. And not those old, crappy pens that claim to be erasable. You could always read what was erased because the eraser was that bad, or you ripped your paper trying to erase everything. These actually erase cleanly, and your paper is still in tact.

I originally bought the multi-colored pens, but I wouldn’t recommend them. The pink and green are super light and a little hard to read. But the black and blue ones work great. I would stick to those if you’re thinking about getting these. I wanted the multi-colored to work so badly, so my yearly planner would look pretty. But it just didn’t work that way.

8. Wireless Bluetooth Headphones

Okay, so I don’t know about you, but I like to listen to music or podcasts while I work. It’s just something that I’ve always done. Especially if I’m working on design work or something where I don’t have to think a lot like compressing photos. Something that’s just time-consuming. These wireless bluetooth ear buds are my new favorite. I refuse to get the really expensive Apple ones. Plus, I’ve never had Apple ear buds that are comfortable in my ears. They seriously kill my ears!

These are comfortable for me, and they actually stay put. I don’t have them falling out constantly. I’m not super active at the moment, so I can’t say whether they would stay in while running or not. But they definitely stay in while I’m working or walking around the house cleaning.

9. Cube Bookshelf

My office space is quite small, and I’ve made it even smaller by adding my treadmill to it. The same one that I haven’t used for over a year and mostly holds drying clothes. Oops! This means I have to get creative with my office organization. For that I got this cube bookshelf. It looks nice, and it helps me organize all of my folders and other office items.

It was quick and easy to put together, and it’s great quality. I’ve had some of these shelves before that weren’t well made and didn’t hold up. This one is much sturdier.

And that’s a wrap on my home office favorites from Amazon. So, what do you think? Are any of these items a must for you? If you try any out and like them, let me know in the comments. I’m definitely a sucker for comfort in my workspace. Anything to make myself more comfortable because I know I’ll stick around longer and get more work done that way. Plus, that’s what work from home life is all about… comfort. Well, that and no commute of course.

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